Sunday, March 4, 2012

EDLD 5326 Week 1 Reflection

This week's lectures, readings, and activities were highly thought provoking and engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that I was able to identify parental and community programs offered at my school, as well as performing my first SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat) analysis of each. Although this process was highly time consuming and rather lengthy, it is a beneficial tool that I can utilize in the upcoming weeks and future program endeavors.


  1. I agree, Laura, that the assignments this week were lengthy, but very well worth the time and effort. Like you, I got a lot of professional insight out of the readings. My brain feels full!

    How is your research coming? Have you begun any of the steps yet?

    1. Hey Marny,
      My brain feels pretty full too! It's been pretty intense, but well worth it for the benefit of our campuses!
      As for my research, it is well under way. I've been able to gather student data, gain teacher feedback on students needing interventions, collaboratively determine a baseline of criteria for program enrollment, download program software, generate lab rosters, enroll students into the program,create usernames and passwords, create teacher profiles, and develop a tentative schedule. A negative aspect has been the technology end in that our server is outdated and causes a bit of a delay with the program and new computer platform. Our technology department is thoroughly working out the glitches at this time. On a more positive note, the students are highly motivated and attending the Lexia lab on a daily basis. They enjoy the visual progress checks that the Lexia software provides. They are very eager to complete tasks in order to pass to the next level and master objectives. I feel so blessed to have this wonderful opportunity to administer this program's effectiveness and help our campus' struggling readers. I can only imagine what impact the project will make as they continue to utilize the Lexia program with fidelity. It is my hope that they will make positive and lasting gains!
      How is your project coming along? I previewed your blog and noticed that teachers have already began to implement SMART goals. That's wonderful! At this point, what steps have you completed and how receptive have the teachers been toward this overall change? Is the entire campus involved or only certain grade-levels?
