Sunday, November 4, 2012

Action Research Update: Implementation Set Backs

      Although the given research has provided a means for possible student improvement, there have been minor delays in the overall implementation. The primary reason for the delay includes the area of campus resources which is directly impacted by our campus budget. The initial cost of the program was roughly $4,500. This includes web-based support and 20 flexi-licenses. This means that only 20 students will be able to have access to the Lexia program at any given time. This also means that a great deal of thought will need to go into the development of the computer lab master schedule. Another area that was identified as a need during the beginning phases of my research was that the web-based program needed to run on computers with Windows XP or higher, therefore, leaving us in need to purchase computers because ours were very old and incompatible. After careful review of the campus budget,last year my principal and I purchased 5 new computers in order to pilot the program and serve at least 5 students in 30 minute increments. This was not an easy task, but I did the best I could with the resources available.

     This year, however, we have been able to purchase 150 new computers in order to support our campus’ need for technology and to support Lexia Reading implementation.  Then, we have run into yet another delay in that our district server was in need of costly repairs. Once the server is fully repaired, Lexia Learning may be fully implemented and monitored for student improvements. I plan to conduct bi-weekly meetings along with my site-supervisor with teachers about their students’ progress in Lexia. I will ask that they provided me with input in regards to classroom observations, weekly fluency logs, student grades, and overall suggestions.

      In addition, a high priority has been set for overall student success and improvement in the area of Reading. It is my hope that positive gains will be made as the students begin to access the program in a systematic manner and that teacher monitor student login times with fidelity. This way students maximize learning time and achieve their targeted levels of program intensity through the program's prescription/recommendations.

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